Team Synopsis Report


Once an individual AVA has been submitted by each member of your team, the individual AVA results can be consolidated into Team AVA Reports, which will assist you in identifying team dynamics, strengths and challenges, and will help to identify strategies for present and future productivity and growth. 

The Team AVA Report Package generally consists of three team reports, preceded by Analyst Comments that provide insight into the dynamics of the Team Members’ natural behaviors, with strategic recommendations for consideration.

$75 PER TEAM MEMBER (Input number of team members in quantity field below)

The Team Member Report (Cost: $75/team member)
  • Shows each individual’s behavioral tendencies and motivations relative to the other team members.
  • Also shows the composite team pattern shape based on the individual scoring of each member according to 4 vectors: Assertiveness, Sociability, Calmness and Conformity.
  • Is useful for clarifying team member roles or evaluating the suitability of a prospective recruit as an added member of the team.
  • Accompanying Analyst Comments assist clients in interpreting the results and implications of the reported findings.